Boston Spa village hall £100k boost

Boston Spa Village Hall. Picture James Hardisty.Boston Spa Village Hall. Picture James Hardisty.
Boston Spa Village Hall. Picture James Hardisty.
People in Boston Spa are set to get an improved village hall thanks to a £100,000 grant from FCC Communities Foundation.

The money will be used to replace the windows and add insulation, in addition to rewiring and redecorating the main hall, which will help to reduce the carbon footprint.

Carol Taylor, chair of the trustees of Boston Spa Village Hall CIO believes the facility will make a huge difference to the lives of people living in the area.

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“This project will provide a real boost to the people of Boston Spa,” she said.

“It’s fantastic that FCC Communities Foundation has awarded us this money and we’re really looking forward to our village hall taking shape over the next six months.”

Cheryl Raynor, FCC Communities Foundation Local Grant Manager said: “We are delighted to have supported the Village Hall with this refurbishment project, they worked hard to gather support and show us how much the project was needed locally.

“We are looking forward to watching the renovation progress.”

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